What Drummer101 Is All About

Hey Guys! I'm Kevin Prince, drum teacher at Drummer101.com. Have you ever asked yourself these questions:
"Where do I begin?"
"What is the drummer playing in this song?"
"How do I read this sheet music?"
"How do I play my rolls fast and clean?"
"How do I coordinate my hands and feet so they can work together?"
If so, you are in the right place! Whether you have never played drums before or you are already in a band, there are probably some areas you would like to grow your skills but don't have a system to follow.
Who Is Drummer101.com For?
Drummer101 is for people who are eager to learn how to play the drums. We live in a time where we want instant gratification and sometimes even faster results with putting in minimal effort. If you are someone who expects to see improvement but doesn't do at least a little bit of work, then Drummer101 may not be a right fit for you.
You likely already have the desire to sit and play drums a few times a week but get caught playing the same things over and over with no real game plan. Drummer101.com is the perfect place to take drum lessons.
Sign up for my free course! This will help you get started playing the drums quickly.
How to read drum notation.
How to hold the sticks correctly and use proper technique.
How to play your first drum beat.
Tips on how to learn songs on the drums.